Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pay Dirt Season

So, along with everything that is currently going on with us, we are also in a Pay Dirt Season with Jake, Cameron, Caden, and Jake's dad. Pay Dirt is a football board and dice game. We play games against each other and pick old teams to manage. It's our first time doing it, and it's really fun. We're excited to keep doing it.


Megan said...

What exactly is this game? I love board games! My favorite right now is "Ticket to Ride" it's a train board game where you have to connect cities to get points. It's pretty fun!

-Megan from PCMC

Reed said...

Yeah, we like that game too.

Reed said...
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Reed said...

Pay dirt is just a football board game, and depending on the roll of dice is how many yards you get. There are fumbles, interceptions, and everything like that. The version that we play is really old though.