Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day @ Jefferson

Today we had our final academic game vs. Jefferson. They are one of our rivals, so we really wanted to win. The first quarter was fine. At the end we trailed by 4 points. At the end of the second, we were down by 2. Third round did great (21/25) so we were ahead by 1. Our fourth round started of slow, but then got explosive. With less then 15 seconds to go, Kearns had the lead by 7. Jefferson answered one more question correctly, making the final score Kearns-55, Jefferson-50. Great game Jefferson!

1 comment:

patricia said...

This is Patricia. It was a great game! I am glad Kearns pulled off a close win! And Reed got his question right, which helped! (John didn't have any questions.)