Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 4th Weekend at the Cabin

These past few days have been filled with tons of action, surprise, and fun for the whole family. On Thursday (the 4th) we left for the cabin at about 1:30. We arrived at around 4:00. At first we unpacked everything, and then we played a few games of Kubb. We then had some fun playing paintball for the first time, which we ended up doing all three days. Dinner was great, even though it was just simple tin-foil dinners. During that night, we decided to all sleep on the deck. Well, it was just our luck when it started raining at about 2 in the morning, forcing us to sleep inside where it was stuffy. The worst part was that we couldn't open the windows because the rain got inside. Well, once we braved that through, we slept well and woke up the next morning. Our breakfast was a nice mountain man breakfast, which was very filling. That was followed by more paintball and such. We then went to our cousin's house in Springville to have lunch and take them all back to spend time with us at the cabin. During the time they were there, a huge storm cam through in two waves and was pretty booming. After that, several of our cousins left, and only two of them slept over with their dad. That next day, we played some more paintball before we left, and if was pretty awesome. There were welts and everything all around, especially because John and I decided to play with just a t-shirt and shorts. Anyway, it was great to spend the weekend down at the cabin, even through all the rough storms.

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